Is your department an inclusive place to work?
The Growing Departmental Inclusiveness ACS website offers a comprehensive assessment tool, the Growing Departmental Inclusiveness Survey [hyperlink], that allows your department to survey your inclusion practices and identify areas for improvement. You can then use the site’s Toolkit for Improving Departmental Inclusiveness [hyperlink] to develop actionable strategies to enhance inclusiveness for you and your colleagues.
Guide to Planning and Implementing Departmental Inclusiveness Assessment
Click here [hyperlink to Planning and Implementing Inclusiveness Assessment] for brief guidelines to learn how to effectively implement a departmental assessment, such as engaging relevant administrators, setting goals and objectives, working with an assessment team, establishing timelines, and identifying resources needed to assess and improve successfully. We strongly advise a thoughtful and inclusive planning process before surveying your department.
Administering the Departmental Inclusiveness Survey
Developed from a consortium-wide sample of ACS faculty, the Growing Departmental Inclusiveness Survey (GDIS) is designed to capture faculty perceptions of various aspects of inclusion, including diversity, equity, and inclusion. The survey is a carefully constructed tool that can help identify inclusiveness gaps and opportunities for departmental improvement.
- If you’ve collaboratively planned your assessment project and you are ready to administer the GDIS click here [hyperlink to Growing Departmental Inclusiveness Survey].
Supporting Research for the DIS
- Click here [hyperlink to Supporting Research] to learn about the scope and limitations of the DIS, along with the background research that supports its development, reliability, and validity.