Our sub-grants, available to faculty and staff from member institutions, focus on three areas: innovative instruction, collaborative curriculum, and diversity & inclusion. Innovative Instruction: Learner-based pedagogy (as informed by cognitive science and neuroscience) and blended learning. Assessment of pedagogies. We invite proposals designed to renew and invigorate teaching methods and incorporate assessment instruments that draw on […]
ACS is pleased to put out a special call to ACS faculty and staff members for summer virtual workshop and working group proposals. Workshops consist of 1-4 faculty and/or staff members who collaborate to develop and deliver 90 minutes sessions virtually across the consortium. Working groups are made up of 4-8 faculty and/or staff members who participate in multiple conversations to develop and/or curate material. Working groups result in some […]
To Bring the Good News to All People: Evangelical Influence on Human Rights and US Foreign Relations
Dr. Lauren Turek
Trinity University
Alone in Her Room: The Public, Private, and Cybersexism in Online Communities
Dr. Jaime Roots
Washington & Lee University