Special Events

Welcome to the The Associated Colleges of the South events calendar.

Sustainability Mindset: Making Change Makers

(at Sewanee, University of the South) What happens when we notice our own choices rippling out across time and around the globe? Mindsets shift about what “sustainability” might include. Beyond fostering eco-literacy, Education for Sustainable Development Goals (ESDG), a United Nations initiative, structures approaches and techniques for opening students’ minds to fostering global-social changes. This […]

Chocolate Covered Teaching: Using commodity-based goods to foster critical thinking skills in undergraduates

This chocolate workshop is aimed at faculty across disciplines who use – or want to consider using – chocolate and other “affordable luxuries” as an approach for teaching curricular materials, especially at introductory levels. Faculty will explore and create curricular materials that both support and integrate the natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Neuroscience), the social […]