ACS Tuition Exchange Program
The Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) Tuition Exchange (TE) Program is a benefit (though not an automatic one) for employees of 15 ACS member institutions to allow their children or dependents to attend another ACS college or university at a relatively low cost. Eligibility does not guarantee acceptance to the institution or approval for tuition exchange.
Consortium Subscriptions and Memberships
ACS takes advantage of volume discounts on academic journals, data services and academic program memberships to purchase as a group and then pass the discounted savings to individual participating colleges. Currently the consortium subscribes to the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), has a federation membership in the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and a consortium membership in the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (ICCS).
Consortium Purchasing Discounts
ACS is a consortium member of E&I Cooperative Services along with all of our member colleges. E&I is the largest, member-owned, non-profit purchasing cooperative serving the needs of education. It provides over 125 competitively solicited contracts and dedicated member resources nationwide with significant discounts on a wide-range of supplies and services. As a consortium, we are able to take advantage of higher discount levels in many E&I contracts because of the cumulative purchasing power of all 16 member colleges.